Randy is a talented artist who has been working as a freelancer for the past several years in the animation, gaming, and publishing industries. He has a passion for storytelling and his talents include character design, illustration, visual development, storyboarding, and more. He has worked for Dreamworks Animation Television, Axis Animation, Flaunt Productions, Edge of Reality, and Pocket gems, just to name a few.
In this episode, Randy discusses:
-How he got to the point he is at today in his career.
-The pros and cons of working as a freelancer.
-How he is constantly trying to learn and devoting his free time to practicing and getting better.
-His advice for putting in the time to doing the work when you are feeling burnt out.
-How sometimes you have to work your way through a rut.
-One of the hardest things for him is working on a project that doesn’t pique his interests, like drawing comics or a story that doesn’t excite him.
-The struggle of working at home and balancing the work/home life and his advice for achieving that balance.
-The importance of getting and staying in the zone.
-One of his hardest times when he committed to too many projects and how to learn the appropriate amount of work to take on.
-How it is hard for some people to understand the importance of being in the zone.
-How you are twice as productive when you are in the zone.
-How he works best if he has a really big chunk of time to do work where he knows he won’t be interrupted.
-If he wakes up early, those first hours are the most productive.
-The reason he initially became interested in art and creativity is the emotionality that it can bring to people, especially with effective storytelling.
-How art and creativity make people feel things, unlike many other jobs.
-The X-Men drawings that he is doing for fun.
-How his personal work also has some business strategy behind it, as it usually leads to commissioned work.
-One of his favorite recent commissioned works and why he loved it so much.
Randy’s Final Push will remind you that your creative pursuit has to be something that you are passionate about and to push through the struggles that come with it.
“Working freelance is great and awful at the same time.”
“A hard thing for a lot of creatives out there is that you love to create but only when it’s convenient or when you have time but the hard part is finding a real passion for it and deciding that it is something that you want to devote most of your time to it.
“What helps me is immersing myself in other people’s creativity. That helps motivate me.”
“For me, reading fiction and watching cartoons is legitimate research.”
“If you sit and work for long enough, you can get your rhythm back. It’s just a matter of determination and patience.”
“Sometimes you get into this place where it seems like you can do no wrong and everything you put down is just gold.”
“Your mindset and the way that you feel affects the way that you work. Like, big time.”
“The whole reason behind art is to make people feel things.”
“Art is the epitome of productivity. Because you’re doing things that hopefully will make a difference to someone somehow.”
“If you can devote the time to sit and just work at art, the payoff is huge.”