Hjalmar Wåhlin is a Swedish artist who loves to create. His background is in commercial retouching, and he has worked with clients such as Ford, Coca-cola, Läckerol and DN. Recently, he has moved towards illustration and design. And that work is seriously awe-inspiring.
In this episode, Hjalmar discusses:
-The joy that the imaginative nature of illustration brings to him.
-How long each of his pieces takes him to do.
-Starting with the fundamentals.
-Find a teacher or other resources online.
-His piece “Heaven At Last,” and the personal story behind it.
-One of his first creative moments as a child.
-How his laziness and fear are two factors that used to hold him back.
-How he stopped drawing from ages 8-18.
-How his FEAR OF SUCCESS sometimes still tries to stop him.
-The roller coaster ride that is the process of creating something.
-A difficulty that arose during a collaboration and how it affected him and his motivation.
-How receiving comments on his work is what motivates him.
-Art and creativity bring MEANING to his life.
-How concept artists are his greatest inspiration.

“Heaven at Last” by Hjalmar Wahlin
“I have a lot of fear. That goes way back for me.”
“You can overthink it. Just make something new that brings a lot of joy.”
“Don’t let it be this monumental task that you have to do, but let it bring joy to your life.”
“Maybe the first things that you do will be shit. And it will look like shit. Or be shit. But you shouldn’t expect otherwise. You just have to keep doing it and doing it and doing it and eventually it will get easier.”
“You have to sit down and say, ‘Now I’m going to do it!’ or chances are it’s not going to get done.”
Links mentioned:
Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach
Small Animals Live in a Slow-Motion World (Scientific American)
“Just Do It” Video with Shia LaBeouf
Connect with Hjalmar:
Website / Instagram / Facebook