Dale Bigeni is a Sydney based artist whose passion is creating, whether it be digital or traditional art. Some of his clients have included Allday, Converse, Westfield, Sharpie, and Harley Davidson, just to name a few. Dale specializes in illustration and graphic design, but loves all mediums of art, especially if they involve skulls.
In this episode, Dale discusses:
-His fascination with skulls.
-How it took him five years to capture his unique style and make it his own.
-How he handles the naysayers.
-His advice for creative people who are being told to go down more of a mainstream path but who have very niche interests.
-One of his defining artistic moments.
-How nobody else knows what’s best for you in terms of what you should be creating.
-The importance of growing up and also having a strong support system around you.
-His best/worst creative moment when he won Australia’s Secret Walls
-How his wife helps to keep him level-headed and motivated.
-How art brings him a sense of peace and puts him in a better mind frame as a human being.
-How he is able to get into the “zone.”
-The fact that he doesn’t delve too deeply into any other artists or inspirations because if he does, he will start creating work that too closely resembles that art.
Dale’s Final Push will inspire you to just be yourself and not let anyone else tell you what is best for you and your art!
“I’m a strong believer of not listening too much to what other people say and doing more of what makes you happy.”
“I don’t think I would be anywhere close to where I am without the support network around me.”
“Unless you give it a go, how are you going to know?”
“Just be yourself. Don’t let anybody tell you that you should do something that doesn’t make you happy. Money is not the most important thing in life. Happiness is.”
“Just be yourself and let the world love you for you.”